If you’re in the market for a laser pointer you may be saying to yourself, “there are a lot of different laser colors, output powers, and styles, what will be the best laser for me?” Knowing which laser you should buy can be tricky if you’re...
Laser pointers aren’t only used by astronomy enthusiasts and scientific hobbyists to light matches and pop balloons. There are some real-world applications where handheld lasers have become indispensable to day-to-day work. These include hands-on jobs like...
Laser pointers are quickly growing in popularity. If you’re curious about what laser pointers are, what they do, who uses them, and more important questions regarding lasers, you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ll address questions like: What are...
So if you’re looking to find a high-power laser pointer, you will undoubtedly have seen there are large numbers of powers and colors to choose from. But what about different laser pointer features? What is overkill and what is sensible? Am I a candidate for a...
There are literally hundreds of different varieties of laser pointers available to buy online today, leaving many faced with the question: “what laser pointer should I choose?” Here we’ll look at a few key important factors to consider before making...