If you’re looking to buy a laser pointer, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that you wind up with one that really suits you and the need of any applications you have in mind. Not all lasers are created equal, with various materials, different designs, fluctuating costs, and simply lack of details, can make choosing the perfect laser pointer difficult.
Here are some thing to keep in mind.
1. What are you planning on using the laser for?
This will be the most important factor in determining what sort of model you should be looking at. What do you intend to use the laser for? Military applications? Research? Outdoor safety? Astronomy? All things to determine before you buy.
2. What laser pointer color suits me best?
This will again depend on the sort of applications you have in mind, but as a standard green is always 7x – 10x brighter than any other color at the same power. All visible changes in color will have an effect on the brightness of any laser, but not the burning ability as 200mW is a 200mW no matter the color and will burn fine, though green will be brightest.
3. What sort of warranties are availble on the model?
As buying lasers is really an investment in laser technolog you want to be sure that you can get the most out of your pointer and that the provider protects it with a warranty period. Any brand that does not offer warranties should be put into strict questioning.
Whenever you’re looking to buy a laser pointer online, there are loads of things to consider and keep in mind. Conduct your own research into models and companies and keep your own interests at heart when making a purchase.